
Team Campfire

Dates & Times: Tuesday & Wednesday 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM (Eastern)
Raid Leader: Iso#0216
Raid Assist: Dracarys#3814/Dudder#0972
Content Type: Heroic AOTC
Voice Chat: Discord (Required)

Raid Goals:
To clear all Heroic content, and acquire every AOTC.

Raider Expectations:
Be available every Tuesday/Wednesday 8-11pm EST (invites go out at 7:45!)
ilvl requirements based on current content
Performance adequate for ilvl (going over logs to improve if needed)
Running M+ during progression for GV rewards (we run as a team throughout the week)
Flasks/Food/Potion for 3 hours per night or raiding
Gear is gemmed and enchanted
Basic understanding of the fight ahead of time.
Have the following addons: Big Wigs/DBM, Method Raid Tools
Know your class.
Be able to take basic criticism.

Our Roster:
Team Campfires roster is based on people who are available to raid EVERY* Tuesday/Wednesday.
*we understand vacations, work, sickness, etc. Real life > WoW.
We strive to have the same consistent roster every week in order to progress through content as consistently as possible.
People willing to play multiple specs within on Class are a plus (ex. Druid: Boomkin & Resto).

Personality of Raid Team:
We are adults (18+) who want to have fun while killing bosses.
We are a relaxed raid team, but we don’t like wasting time.
We have no room for drama, raging, crying, biting, etc.

Personal loot. If you don’t need an item, open it up for a /roll for those in the raid.
Any epic BOE’s acquired and aren’t a direct upgrade for someone, need to be traded to a raid lead to deposit in the guild bank.

BFA: AOTC Complete!
Legion: AOTC Complete!
WoD: AOTC Complete!