About Ember

Ember is a gaming community which has been running for about 6 years. Our goal is to help connect people in various games and build friendships. We try not to target a specific game but instead, a community who plays games. Our communication and coordination is done through Discord and you can join our Discord under Quicklinks.

If you have any questions about our community, please contact Aleahnah, Deii, or Briskle on Discord.

If you have any questions about our World of Warcraft raid teams, please navigate to the teams list and contact the people in that post.


Spread the Love!

Good day!

I am so excited to see the influx of players in wow with the new tier. Our raids are booming and we have a ton of people online.
I am overdue to throw a wow party but its been kind of hectic and I want to do something to celebrate the community. I will be working towards a wow party sometime before the end of the month or a fun run or something similar.

This month, Id like to do something that I am branding Spread the Love.

To participate, you only need to do activities with guildies. Team raids do not count. Help with dailies, invite into a mythic plus, help on quests. Try to meet someone new or help someone out who is gearing or newer to the game. Likewise, if someone helps you, call them out. You can submit as many times as you want through Valentines day, 2/14 – but you can’t submit for yourself! No one person will win more than one drawing but every submission increases your chances to win.

When someone helps you out, DM @Aleahnah and provide me their in game name. If they are on an alt, please provide me their main so I can keep track of entries.

After 2/14, I will do a drawing. My initial goal is a total of 3 winners, 1st place gets a store mount of their choice, 2nd and 3rd place get a store pet of their choice. If you have items you’d like to donate to be given out, please contact me and we may increase the total of winners (please no common battle pets, that’s a nightmare to manage). I’ll also be draining our gbank of some of the prizes we’ve saved from previous guild parties so hopefully we can increase the total winners.

If you have any questions, reach out. Be good to each other and have a great day!

November Updates

Happy Monday! I hope you guys had a great holiday break. Just a few updates to share so everyone knows whats going on.

-Secret Santa – I have matched all the people who indicated interest. However, with a month to Christmas, Im willing to try to squeeze in any last minute interest. This is not a hard limit $$ or personal data sharing requirement. If you want in, please PM me. I will be willing to take any additional people for about a week more. We’ve also made this channel public to read so if nothing else, you can join us in the excitement when the random gifts start coming in.

-Server stuff – We currently host servers for about 4 games and have had servers up at various times for at least another 4 games. Its become a bit of a hassle and we’re consolidating. If you currently play on an Ember server, keep an eye on your game channel as IP details/connection info may change while we work to move everything to one dedicated Ember server. Kudos to Briskle, Deii, and the others who are working to make this successful!

– Minecraft – Its that time of year again. On our new server we are hosting a pack where you’re stranded in the desert. Connection info is pinned in the minecraft channel. Type !minecraft in #bot-spam for more information

-Destiny 2 – After the initial release hype, we’re seeing the playtime decrease on this game clan wide. If you have additional friends who are interested, please let me know and we’ll make space for them in the clan. We’re a week away from the next expansion so be sure to get your pass or purchase the content and make use of the #destiny-2 and #looking-for-group channels so you arent left out!

-Overwatch – Season 7 comp teams have been finalized. Even if you didnt apply in time, you can always join in on the discussion and arrange to play comp with other friends. Im really looking forward to the Christmas Holiday and will be hosting some events for it as we get through December.

-Diablo  – You asked for it, you got it! New self tagging and text channel for Diablo. Head over to #bot-spam and type !diablo to gain access.

-Wow – Get ready for Antorus! Wowhead has already been updated with a lot of news about release dates and content. Be sure to review it so you guys can kick a bunch of ass! As the expansion rolls on, people take breaks, so remember to let Lacansa know if you have anyone interested in joining for raids.

-Now planning – Embers 2017 Christmas Party. If you have special requests, please let me know sometime in the next 2 weeks.


As you can tell, there’s a lot going on. To make life a bit easier, we’ve added role mentions to our looking for group channel. Now, if you need a few extra players for a party in a game, just mention the role and it will ping anyone online. For example @destiny Looking for 1 for Nightfall!


Finally, just wanted to express a belated thanksgiving message to everyone. I am really thankful for my friends here. We spend a ton of time together and its my absolute joy to help coordinate activities and fun times for us. I am so fortunate to have met so many people I can get along with and it really keeps my leisure time fun and busy. Thank you all for being a part of this community!

Guild Master Switch!

I am very excited to announce that effecitve immediately, we will be transitioning guild leader to Whorie and Trimot as a co GM team. This comes with full support of the other officers active in game. I am still extremely active in our community. So much so that I can now focus on more parties and social activities as well as growing our gaming community to support more games and more options for all of us to waste hours away in the best possible way.

I am always here to help and my sub is left active. If you ever need anything or even just to talk you can reach me in discord. GMing this guild for the past 3 years has been the highlight of my 15 years in online gaming. We have in my opinion the best group of people here and you deserve to have people who are actively working to better our guild.

Please join me in congratulating our newest GMs and look forward to their news about the things they will be working on. Thank you!


Ember Anniversary bash!

Currently planning: Ember’s amazing anniversary party 2017 – 3 years strong. PM Aleahnah on discord for requested events. Agenda and prizes to be announced as we get closer to the end of the month. Looking to probably host on the 19th or 26th but will determine as we get a bit closer

Also side note: I am working on a custom cards against humanity deck for our memories over the past year. Last time Saidana aka Waffles did this, it was a blast. The unfortunate side was newer people weren’t able to really get the humor of it. Anyone, please feel free to PM me some funny memories or ideas for cards against humanity. Black cards = statements / sentences | white cards = nouns. I am also looking for someone who can help me with hosting lobbies for this and jackbox. Also working at creating a custom jackbox quiplash deck.

Finally – prize ideas. Not all suggestions and ideas will make it in but I want to make sure everyone has a little bit of something for our huge guild party that they are excited about. Thanks!
