Spread the Love!

Good day!

I am so excited to see the influx of players in wow with the new tier. Our raids are booming and we have a ton of people online.
I am overdue to throw a wow party but its been kind of hectic and I want to do something to celebrate the community. I will be working towards a wow party sometime before the end of the month or a fun run or something similar.

This month, Id like to do something that I am branding Spread the Love.

To participate, you only need to do activities with guildies. Team raids do not count. Help with dailies, invite into a mythic plus, help on quests. Try to meet someone new or help someone out who is gearing or newer to the game. Likewise, if someone helps you, call them out. You can submit as many times as you want through Valentines day, 2/14 – but you can’t submit for yourself! No one person will win more than one drawing but every submission increases your chances to win.

When someone helps you out, DM @Aleahnah and provide me their in game name. If they are on an alt, please provide me their main so I can keep track of entries.

After 2/14, I will do a drawing. My initial goal is a total of 3 winners, 1st place gets a store mount of their choice, 2nd and 3rd place get a store pet of their choice. If you have items you’d like to donate to be given out, please contact me and we may increase the total of winners (please no common battle pets, that’s a nightmare to manage). I’ll also be draining our gbank of some of the prizes we’ve saved from previous guild parties so hopefully we can increase the total winners.

If you have any questions, reach out. Be good to each other and have a great day!

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